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Los Angeles Strategic Securities Litigation Lawyer

California Securities Lawyers for Individuals and Businesses

Deciding to make an investment involves a substantial amount of trust. Investors trust that investment advisors, analysts and brokers, as well as those within their own organizations, will act in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Unfortunately, violations of that trust are not uncommon and result in serious financial repercussions, impacting the lives of those affected.

At the Law Offices of David S. Lin, we help individual investors, partners, shareholders and small to mid-size businesses recover losses in cases involving violations of securities laws. Using his extensive experience handling even the most challenging securities issues, attorney David S. Lin leads our firm with unwavering dedication to helping our clients seek justice.

Fighting Against Broker Fraud and Other Misconduct

We represent clients in cases involving:

  • Fraud
  • Misrepresentation
  • Churning
  • Unsuitable trading
  • Unauthorized trading
  • Market manipulation
  • Margin violations
  • Failure to supervise
  • Abuse of discretion

Mr. Lin has a proven record of success in securities litigation matters. For example, he settled a large securities fraud case in which the principal officer of an Internet mortgage company in the San Francisco area attempted to defraud the shareholders via financial misrepresentation. He recovered approximately $400,000 for his clients in that case.

Mr. Lin brings years of law firm experience to our office. He has worked on several highly complex securities cases involving major corporations. With detailed understanding of securities law and trade regulations, he is prepared to take on any securities litigation case.

Serving Clients in California and Across the Globe

The Law Offices of David S. Lin aggressively pursues securities litigation cases against corporate officers, directors, investment companies and others who have abused their positions. We represent clients in Pasadena, Los Angeles and the surrounding communities, as well as China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our proven trial attorneys, call 626-792-9688 or 949-833-7107, or contact our firm online. During this meeting, we will give you a straightforward evaluation of your case and explain your available legal options. If you choose to retain our law firm's services, we will build a solid case focused on helping you achieve your legal objectives.

Our regular business office hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. However, evening and weekend appointments can be scheduled by request. Our primary office is located on the corner of Lake Avenue and Green Street in Pasadena. Our secondary office is on the corner of Jamboree Road and Main Street in the Toyota Office Building in Irvine.

Additional languages spoken: Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese dialects) and Taiwanese.

Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

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Law offices of David s. Lin

80 S Lake Ave Ste 512
Pasadena, CA 91101


One Park Plaza Ste 600
Irvine, CA 92614


Map and Directions